
Theatro Municipal

Avenida Treze de Maio, 65-173, Centro
Rio de Janeiro RJ Brazil

Construction Dates
Floor Count5
Building Uses
 - theatre
Structural Types
 - lowrise
 - atrium
 - dome

 Heights ValueSource / Comments 
Spire121 ftWikipedia (es)
Roof105 ftUnconfirmed
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• Francisco de Oliveira Passos
• Albert Guilbert.

• Site: 4220 m².
• Capacity: 1700 seats.

• Initially, the Theater was only a house of spectacles, which received mostly foreign companies, mostly brought from Italy and France. From the 1930s, the City has had its own artistic bodies: orchestra, chorus and ballet.

• The design of the building was inspired by the Opera de Paris, built by Charles Garnier.

• In front are: the staircase of access, the vision of two floors and the three domes of the cover. The sense of verticality of the façade is provided by large columns in the body and the central column of smaller side roads. The balance of the lines are classic, but the profusion of decoration in the Baroque refers.

• On the sidewalk, before and on the side of the stairs, two granite columns, supporting lamps, ornaments and bronze emblem of the municipality.

• At the bottom of the front and side, the stairs are granite of Candlemas, and the pedestals of the colonnade and the lining of the doors of public access. The color of granite is to highlight the bronzes, the six central columns of Italian marble and marble from Belgian side of the roundabouts.

• The three main doors are of wood, protected by gates of bronze. Are in full arc, and the windows of roundabouts.

• The main speakers are fourteen marble of Carrara, Corintio style. The emblem of the city appears in capitals. On the six central columns of the facade, a small cornice and a decorative frieze has the center, the word 'Theatro Municipal. Above this, in a small gable, there is the inscription "MCMV - MCMIX, flanked by sculptures of Rodolpho Bernardelli: the Poetry and Music the central front, the Singing and Dancing on Avenida Rio Branco and Avenida Tragedy and Comedy in Treze May.

• On the upper floor of the central body of the stairs and the side roads, with stained glass windows are rectangular, with the three central and two side of the stairs, bearing precious German stained glass, with the figures of the Muses of protective gear. Names of teachers of music and drama are recorded on the windows of roundabouts: Wagner, Carlos Gomes and Verdi, Goethe, Molière and Martins Pena.

• On the roundabouts, two domes, covered in copper. On the central body for three different vaults. The first covers the foyer of the hall, second hall of the main staircase and the third is the large dome, in the form of the room shows. All in copper. Furthermore, a fourth cover on the stage and a fifth of the funds on the area of the theater. About the first three domes exist in its top, balls of milky glass, lit from the inside. The central sphere, which has a diameter of 1.80 m, holds a golden eagle copper, which has 2.80 m long and 6 m of scale in their wings.

• In the side walls of Atlantis figures in bronze, as if cariátides, representing the seasons and there is a profusion of decorative elements to the taste of the art-noveau. Attention is called on each side, the loggie provided with balustrades, with six marble columns of each, on them, bow windows provide lighting in the bar of the gallery and the Documentation Center. Comic masks of the god Pan and indicate the source of most classical decorative elements used in the theater.

• Nothing simpler than the internal distribution of the hall. In the main body is placed in the entrance foyer, the foyer and the stairs.

• From the vestibule, the side, goes directly to the audience and the stress, and it leaves the two ladders side that, with the elevators on the left, leading to upper floors. In its entry there are two bronze statues of the French sculptor of Raoul Verlet representing the left of "The Dance" and the right of "The Poetry". The two roundabouts side serving of rest to the public. All the sumptuous decoration of the lobby is made of marble from different origins, onyx, bronze and gilded mirrors.

• On the opposite side to the entrance of the audience are five busts of Carlos Gomes, João Caetano, Arthur Azevedo, Francisco Pereira Passos and Francisco de Souza Aguiar and corridors of the highlights of two staircases that lead not only to the three upper floors and the restaurant Assyrio in the lower floor.

• The main staircase gives access to the noble floor where the foyer, the cabins, the the counter seats and two noble loggie side of the theater. The famous staircase that breaks after the first bid, opening up bids for the two sides, is all done in two types of onyx, bronze and gold crystals. It is open to the balustrades of the upper floors is that the first are of the same material of the ladder, while the other floors are cast iron and marble. In the top of a marble statue of Jean Antoine Injalbert representing "The Truth".

• It goes to the foyer, all decorated in the style Luiz XVI, in which two works of art to call attention: the three precious windows that Fuerstein and Fugel created in Stutgart and dome painted by Eliseu Visconti of 1913 a 1913 to 1916. In the two roundabouts need to admire the roofs, by Henrique Bernardelli, in 1908, and the panels, with scenes of dances from different countries, painted in 1916 by Rodolfo Amoedo.

• This floor is open both beautiful loggie with magnificent ceilings in ceramics, mosaic floors of the Venetian and marble counters overlooking the street. The store's Avenida Rio Branco a panel of ceramics is "The Modern Dance," made in Paris. Equivalent, on the side of Av. 13 de Maio, which was "The Ancient Dance" was lost after a reform of the theater suffered. Open up the five existing branches in the corridors of simple counter.

• The viewer is put toward the entrance of the room will see, besides the 500 seats, the audience - all in wood and leather - the cabin light and sound, and its back, the 24 notes. Above the balcony of her prime with 400 seats and 12 boxes. On the upper floor are 500 seats in the balcony above the simple and the 723 seats in the gallery.

• Back up toward the stage will see the two big boxes to the sides of the frieze of the mouth of scene, drawing Elyseu Visconti, and the left of the Governor of the State and the right of the Mayor of Rio de Janeiro. Below them is the orchestra pit, located in the lower level of the audience, with its floor based on a hydraulic lift that moves vertically according to the needs of the shows. In the frieze above the proscenium are "The Love Poetry and the Virtue of Vice away" from Elyseu Visconti, floating against a blue background of the Sierra Organs.

• Looking up you see one of the wonders of theater, the large central chandelier, all in gilded bronze, with its 118 sleeves and lamps with crystal pendants, surrounded by the dance of "The Oreadas," one of the masterpieces of Visconti.

• Descending the stairs up the side of the headgear in the corridors stresses, it is the lobbies of Assyrio restaurant with eight tables of mosaic of Gian Domenico Facchini, representing scenes from famous pieces of Script universal. The restaurant is unique in South America, all covered with enamelled pottery, inspired by the ancient Babylon. The site is divided into two plans, the roof is supported by low columns ending with heads of bull, in Persian style.

• In its decoration are the highlights of the lions ramp and the stairs of the palace of Artaxerxes, the stresses of the archers of the throne room of Dario I, the huge Kerubs, which trim the stairs. There is the palace of the Gilgamesch and two beautiful Sargão source, with Persians and Babylonians reasons. In addition setter in the mirrors and the original old brass lamps.

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