
Fuldaer Dom

Domplatz D-36037
Fulda Germany

Construction Dates
Building Uses
 - religious
Structural Types
 - church

 Heights ValueSource / Comments 
Spire213 ftWikipedia
Bells Towers
Dome128 ft''
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• Coordinates: 50°33'15''N, 09°40'19''E.

• Architect: Johann Dientzenhofer.

• Large, well-known cathedral with two towers and a dome in baroque style.

• The former abbey church of Fulda monastery and church of the holy grave Bonifatius. Since 1752, the Dom cathedral of the diocese of Fulda, represents the heart of the baroque quarter Fuldaer dar.

• The plans of the cathedral was in 1700 by one of the most important German Baroque architect (1663-1726), according to a 1699 study trip to Rome by the Pope as the architect was recommended, on behalf of Fürstabt Adalbert of Schleifras prepared. The Cathedral of Fulda with conscious reference to its internal system to the St. Peter's is an artistic proof for Dientzenhofer study. The predecessor, the Ratgarbasilika, once the largest basilica north of the Alps, was in favor of the new cathedral established before 1704 in the current construction of the Baroque style began. These were some of the foundations of Ratgarbasilika used. 1707 was the shell completed, 1708 to 1712 and decorated in the interior design. On 15 August 1712 the cathedral was consecrated. On the Fürstabt of Adalbert of Schleifras set consecration plaque on the facade is only Christ, Savior of the Church as the title indicated. The building served as the baroque abbey church of the Benedictine church and tomb of St. Boniface in 1752 and was promoted to the rank of a cathedral.

• On the occasion of the 1150-year-old death of St., Boniface took place on 4 Juni 1905, fireworks display in which a firecracker in the right 'Domtower' probably jackdaw nests were set on fire. This then completely burned out. These destroyed the two bells and Osanna Bonifatius.

• After aerial damage during the Second World War, the 1954 restoration was completed. Pope John Paul II visited on 17 und 18 November 1980 Fulda.

• The Cathedral, with a length of 99 m and a dome height of 39 m is on the front of two towers of 65 m in height flanked.

• The floor of the Fuldaer dome has the shape of a cross-shaped, three-pillar basilica with a southern and northern transept. In between there is a crossing with a dome. The nave is oriented to the east, it is a porch with entrance hall, two front and two towers domed chapels (Andreas and Johannes chapel chapel) is connected. After the crossing with a dome is the central nave with the high altar, behind the high choir, and the underlying Bonifatius crypt continue. The aisles run parallel to the nave to the altitude of the Lady chapel (right) and the sacristy (left). The ground is thus a double-cross has been extended. The outbuildings of the Lady chapel and sacristy border directly to the former convent building.

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