
Mittelwellensender Ulm-Jungingen

Senderweg D-89081
Ulm Germany

Construction Dates
Building Uses
 - communication
Structural Types
 - guyed mast

 Heights ValueSource / Comments 
Antenna167 ftUnconfirmed
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• Owner and Operator: SWR.

• Guyed mast radiator insulated against ground used for mediumwave broadcasting on 711 kHz with 5 kW.

• The guyed mast of Ulm-Jungingen mediumwave transmitter is the oldest radio mast in Ulm. It was built in 1952 to improve mediumwave reception in Ulm area.

• It forms together with Obereisesheim transmitter ( http://skyscraperpage.com/cities/?buildingID=62283 )
and until 2004 Dossenheim transmitter ( http://skyscraperpage.com/cities/?buildingID=62173 ) a single
frequency network on the frequency 711 kHz. All these three transmitters work respecively worked wit 5 kW power.

• The mast of Ulm-Jungingen mediumwave transmitter is a lattice steel structure with square cross section, while that in Obereisesheim is a lattice structure with triangular cross-section and that of Dossenheim
transmitter a tubular structure.

• The mast of Ulm-Jungingen mediumwave transmitter is a ground-fed mast radiator insulated against ground. It is the only mast radiator in Ulm area. It is exclusively used for mediumwave broadcasting and not or mobile phone services.

• The mast and the transmitter to which it belongs are well-known in DX-community and it is also a local landmark
as it can be seen when you enter Ulm on motorway-like expressway B 10 ( in fact, it is better known than the FM-transmission mast on Kuhberg, which is in database on http://skyscraperpage.com/cities/?buildingID=72367 ).

• Wikimapia: http://wikimapia.org/1818638/de/Mittelwellensender-Ulm-Jungingen

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