
Edifício Dumont Adams
Anexo MASP - Torre Vivo

Avenida Paulista, 1510 - Bela Vista - Zona Sul
Sao Paulo SP Brazil

Floor Count10
Basement Floors2
Building Uses
 - mixed use
 - communication
 - education
 - museum
 - observation
 - office
 - university
Structural Types
 - highrise
 - pole
 - tower

 Heights ValueSource / Comments 
Antenna820 ftSiriusmillenium
Roof154 ft
Switch heights to

• Architect (Cancelled Tower): Julio Neves
• Designer (Fantasy Proposed Tower): Sirius Millenium http://www.siriusmillenium.com
• The Architect existent building is unknown.

• In 2005, the Edifício Dumont Adams was planned to have a tower built atop it, that would have extended to 932 meters above sea level, high enough that the ocean could be seen from SP city.

• As measured from Avenda Paulista to the top of the tower, it would have rose 125 meters in height and 17m diameter observation pod at top the tower.

• CONPRESP, Sao Paulo's historic preservation department, denied the construction of the modern tower atop the historic building.

• The Vivo Telephone Company would promote the tower for mobile phone transmission usage, as well, and bought the building Dumont Adams for R$ 12 million to renovate it, and using as mobile phone office among other uses.

• After many attempts at trying to get the tower approved, the architect and the MASP museum director, who signed the contract together Vivo company for sharing the building use are pushing forward on the renovation of the Edifício Dumont Adams, only. But the Building is still in abandonned Status.

• Those proposals of what a higher tower could be ontop of Building is controversal, the high of the tower in many sources and discussions. In this case the Communication & Observation VIVO tower would have 250m or 169m, higher street level, with 2 Decks and a Base formed with 4 Star points & members, top view, using the extremity roof of the Building for larger tower basement.

• The Vivo Telephone Mobile company implementation at MASP Office & Art Space School expansion, building next to this other side of Professor Otávio Mendes street at Al. Casa Branca following street at Av. Paulista shared the renovation project of this old construction. It is not clear if some modifications on top of existent Building would be necessary to support the Observation & Communication Tower.


Drawing by Good
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