
Schneller Brüter Kalkar

Griether Strasse 110 - 120
Kalkar Germany

Construction Dates
Building Uses
 - monument
 - industrial
Structural Types
 - chimney
 - tower

 Heights ValueSource / Comments 
Spire305 ftAmt für Flugsicherung der Bundeswehr, Liste der Luftfahrthindernisse Deutschland 2005
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- Constructor: Interatom

- Schneller Brüter Kalkar (Kalkar Fast Breeder) was built as Germany's first fast breeder reactor to output 327 megawatts. It is known as one of the government's most wasteful projects ever undertaken.

- This project was developed to make Germany more self-sufficient in creating more energy than it imported.

- This project was feared by many in the public a large demonstration numbering some 40,000 occurred in 1977 seeking to derail the project. By 1979, after the disaster at Three Mile Island in the United States, the construction of the facility was put on hold to study the safety of such a reactor.

- The project was completed in 1985, but the plant is never put into full use out of public fears. With the Chernobyl disaster in 1986, the device's use is scaled back even further.

- The reactor is finally officially cancelled in 1991, with the plant demolished, and the parts sold off. Put up for sale, that year, Dutch investor Hennie van der Most bought the property with plans to turn it into an amusement park.

- In 2005, the facility reopens as Kernwasser Wunderland ("Nuclearwater Wonderland").

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