
Television Cultural Center
中央电视台电视文化中心 / 文华东方酒店

3rd Ring Rd. North x Chaoyang Rd., Chaoyang District
Beijing BJ China

Construction Dates
Floor Count33
Basement Floors2
Units / Rooms241
Building Uses
 - hotel
 - communication
 - office
 - theatre
Structural Types
 - highrise

 Heights ValueSource / Comments 
Roof522 ft
Switch heights to

• Office for Metropolitan Architecture - oma.eu
• East China Architectural Design & Research Institute Co. Ltd.

• Others: Arup, Dorsser Blesgraaf, Front Inc., Inside Outside, Lerch Bates & Associates, Lighting Planners Associates Inc., Sandy Brown Associates LLP.

• This 5-star hotel, located next to the CCTV complex, was destroyed by fire caused by fireworks located atop it on February 9th, 2009. It happened in the final hours of the Chinese lunar new year when people set off fireworks around the city. The fireworks were from a type not officially permitted to be used.

• The angular building was a symbol of Beijing's recent transformation and modernization. It had been scheduled to open in late 2009, but that was postponed.

• Mandarin Oriental had been signed a long term contract of hotel management, but has no ownership interest in the building. The owner and developer of it is goind take time to complete it.

• After the fire, the building did not collapsed. Its structure of zinc remained standing. One fireman died from toxic gas.

• Info Page: http://www.eikongraphia.com/?p=1453

• About the fire: http://edition.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/asiapcf/02/09/china.hotel.fire/index.html

• Photos Before Fire:

• Photos After Fire: http://www.flickr.com/photos/drea_genf/3269408450/sizes/l/

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