
Pilone di Torre Faro

Torre Faro
Messina Italy

Construction Dates
Building Uses
 - monument
 - science
Structural Types
 - truss tower
 - cross brace

 Heights ValueSource / Comments 
Spire761 fthttp://www.strettodimessina.it/
Basement26 ft-"-
Caisson bottom-59 ftUnconfirmed
Switch heights to

• This tower was, together with its twin on the Calabrian side of Messina Strait, at time of completion the tallest electricity pylon on the world. Now they are still Europe's tallest ones by full height.
• In opposite to normal lattice steel pylons, the corners of the pylons are arranged diagonally to the direction of the track of the line.
• In order to determine the period and deflection of the oscillation of the tower after its completion three rockets each with a thrust of 9800 kilonewtons were mounted on the tops and ignited.
• Technical data of span
- horizontal distance of conductors: 25 metres
- vertical distance of conductors: 27 metres
- span width: 3646 metres
- conductors: single conductors, diametre: 27.8 mm, 305 square millimetres steel cross section, 45 square millimetres aluminium cross section
• The powerline crossing consisted at time of inaugauration of 4 conductors for a single 150 kV three-phase AC circuit, whereby the 4th conductor was used as backup conductor. In 1971 the span was upgraded into a 220 kV line with two circuits: therefore two conductors were installed on the bottom site of the V-shaped pinnacle and the voltage of the first circuit was increased to 220 kV. After this work was performed, the line had a transmission capacity of 300 MVA
• In 1985 a 6.5 kilometre long submarine cable for 380kV with a transmission capacity of 1000 MVA was laid through Messina Strait. The overhead crossing however remained in service until August 1993. In 1994 the conductors were dismantled. Originally, it was also planned to demolish the tower, but this plan was abandoned after the Municipal Authorities of Messina and the Superintendent of Messina’s Cultural and Environmental Heritage got interested in maintaining the tower as an example of industrial archaeology characterizing the area of Capo Peloro.The tower, which is now under monumental protection, is now used for meteorological measurements, rescue exercises in great heights and communication. In 2000, the tower got the object in an illumination artwork, for which 32 projectors each equipped with a 2000 Watts metal halide lamp and glass with controlled beams were used.
• Since 2006 the ascent to its top is possible for tourists. However one has to use a stairway with 1250 steps.

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