
Gullfaks C

Block 34/10 North Sea (Norway)
All Areas World Ocean

Construction Dates
Units / Rooms330
Building Uses
 - industrial
 - mechanical
Structural Types
 - offshore
 - cross brace
 - landing pad
 - tower
 - truss tower

 Heights ValueSource / Comments 
Spire1247 ftStructurae
Shafts860 ft''
Waterline712 ftUnconfirmed
Switch heights to

• Owner: Statoil.

• Structural Type: Concrete gravity base structure.

• Function / usage: Integrated production, drilling and quarter platform.

• Specifications:
- Topside Length: 142 m.
- Topside Width: 40 m.
- Shaft Height: 262 m.
- Water Depth: 217 m.
- Storage Capacity (oil): 300 000 m³.
- Living Quarters (berths): 300.
- Depth to shallowest reservoir: 1 900 m.
- Number of shafts: 4.

• Chronology:
- 5 January 1990: On-stream.
- 2013-2014: Expected end of production.

Structurae Entry

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Drawing by Marco Klatt
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