
Rialto Towers

525 Collins Street, 3000
Melbourne VIC Australia

Construction Dates
Floor Count63
Basement Floors5
Building Uses
 - office
 - mechanical
 - observation
 - parking garage
 - restaurant
Structural Types
 - highrise

 Heights ValueSource / Comments 
Total height907 ftOfficial Website
Including the Basement Floors, The Whole Building, and the Antennas
Antenna886 ftWorld Federation of Great Towers
The Highest Point of the Antennas on the South Towers roof
Roof824 ft
The roof of the mechanical penthouse on the South Tower, not including the Antennas
Main roof821 ft
The highest point of the South Tower not including the mechanical penthouse
60th floor768 ft
Highest floor of the South Tower
North tower607 ft
Floor 45 of the North Tower
40th floor552 ft
The observation deck of the North Tower
Switch heights to

Architect: Gerard de Preu & Partners

• Companies:
- Architect: Gerard de Pru and Partners
- Structural Engineer: W.L. Meinhardt and Partners Pty Ltd
- Consultant Architect: Dino Burratini of Sydney
Facts & Description:

• Total Cost: $300 Million

• The Rialto Towers have a total of 67 floors counting basement and mechanical floors. The first five floors are used for underground parking. The next three floors are used for the lobby and a cafe. The next 54 floors are used for office. Floor 58 is the Observation Deck and the rest are used for mechanical and other uses.

• There are 1254 stairs to the Observation Deck.

• The Rialto Towers was the tallest building in the Southern Hemisphere 1985 - 2004, not counting spires. It is still the tallest office building by roof height in the Southern Hemisphere.

• Member of "World Federation of Great Towers".

• The 55th floor observation deck did not open until July 19, 1994.

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