
Sendemast Berlin - Frohnau

Jägerstieg 1
Berlin Germany

Construction Dates
Building Uses
 - communication
Structural Types
 - guyed mast
 - truss tower

 Heights ValueSource / Comments 
Antenna1177 ftWebsite
Higher Mast
Antenna lattice387 ft''
Smaller Truss-Tower
Am antenna33 ft''
Smallest Antenna
Switch heights to

• Ex-DBP / DTAG radio relay site.
• Ex-Operator and Owner of the relay system is the German Funkturm (DFMG), a subsidiary of the Münster Deutsche Telekom AG.

• Coordinates: 52°39'11''N, 13°17'44''E.

• Actually the site has 3 antennas:

1) • large Mast:

- Started: 16.03.1977.
- Standing: 30.05.1978.
- In Service: 01.06.1979.

- D1-Station D1 station.
- CIs 4A56/9285/9286 (hex).
- 19030/37509/37510 (dec).

- Amateur Radio Relay "Berlin Frohnau".
- DB0PI (70cm)(located on the mast).
- 359m height, built in 1977/78.

- Previously, Deutsche Post, a federal relay route, the mast operated between West Berlin and a plant "Gartow" in Höhbeck (Niedersachsen).

- Cost: DM 11,5 Million.
- Weight: 920 t.
- Cables: 3,8 km.
- Cabels Weight: 250 t.
- At the Mast has an elevator which climbs 325m.
- Square cross-section of 4.3m x 4.3m.
- Foundations: Concrete basement with 2000m³ volume.
- Ontop: 4x5m Service Device. Elevator needs 8 min, the tallest platform in Germany.
- Today belongs to Germany Army, while Deutsche Telekom AG does not need it.
- Demolition: As the newspaper Der Tagesspiegel on 3 November 2008 announced, had Deutsche Funkturm GmbH requested to demolished it. The approval for the demolition was, according to the Reinickendorfer Baustadtrats Frank Balzer "recently been granted." According to the German Association of demolition, the deadline was on February 8, 2009 at 13h10m by explosives. The smaller tower continues to be used.

• Photo Sequence of Demolition:

2) • smaller Lattice Truss-tower: http://skyscraperpage.com/cities/?buildingID=59124

3) • AM antenna:

In August 2001, a small-medium wave antenna was installed on the site.
It is an inverted-V antenna consisting of two wires, which are fixed on the pinnacle of an only 10m high tower and running diagonally to the ground.
During IFA 2001 it was used for broadcasting a program on the mediumwave frequency 1485 kHz with a power of 1 kW in DRM-mode as part of a single frequency network consisting of
a transmitter in Rüdersdorf and one on Berlin-Schäferberg. Latter transmitter used a T-antenna spun between the telecommunication tower ( http://skyscraperpage.com/cities/?buildingID=468 )
and Funkturm Berlin-Schäferberg (http://skyscraperpage.com/cities/?buildingID=82393 )

Wikipedia Entry (German)

Structurae Entry

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Drawing by Ganymed
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