
Russia Tower

Krasnopresnenskaya naberezhnaya, plots 17-18 Presnensky Centre
Moscow MOW Russia

Construction Dates
  Intended completion date2012
Floor Count118
Basement Floors8
Building Uses
 - mixed use
 - hotel
 - observation
 - office
 - parking garage
 - residential
 - retail
Structural Types
 - highrise
 - concrete core

 Heights ValueSource / Comments 
Roof2009 ftUnconfirmed
Top floor1641 ftUnconfirmed
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Architect: Foster + Partners - fosterandpartners.com

Developer: Russian Land

• Others: Rowan Williams Davies & Irwin Inc., Speirs and Major Associates, STT Group, Waterman Group PLC.

• Area: 5605891 ft².

• Construction was put on hold in October 2008 due to financial problems, and the project was cancelled in June 2009. The site will be developed as a car park.

• The triangular 3-starpoint cross section shape allows the residential, hotel and office elements to all have their own entrance.

• Would have been the tallest building in Europe if completed, and also the tallest naturally ventilated tower in the world.

• Green certificate means to building, a triple glazed low E façade, solar cells which feed electricity back into the Moscow grid, precipitation harvesting which reduces the need for the toilets' water by 30% and the potential for thermopiles and cooling by river water.

• Groundbreaking was attended by Moscow's mayor, Yuir Luzhkov, as well as members of the Moscow Government.

• 1994 proposal - http://skyscraperpage.com/cities/?buildingID=116102

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© Drawing by Luc de Lys, SkyscraperPage.com

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