
Bayonet Obelisk
стелла "Штык" мемориала Победы

Pobedy Park
Moscow MOW Russia

Construction Dates
Building Uses
 - monument
Structural Types
 - tower
 - statue
 - truss tower

 Heights ValueSource / Comments 
Spire465 ftUnconfirmed
Statue423 ftinfo page
Statue's base341 ft-"-
Top elevator level285 ftmospromstroy.com/objects/built/poklonnaya/
Switch heights to

• Architect: Z. Cereteli.
• Structural design: Central Research Institute of Steel Structures (CNIIPSK) (engineers: B. V. Ostroumov, S. P. Murinov, S. S. Karmilov)
• The height of 141.8 meters represents the 1,418 days of war that Russia was involved in during World War II.
• Dimensions of pyramid: 5.6 m at +8.3 m level and 1.6 m at +140 m level

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