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Old Posted Dec 16, 2013, 4:43 PM
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The first flight landed in New York

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Today at 08:07 pm (NYC time) AR1300 flight landed for the first flight to New York route which started flying again from yesterday 15/DIC.

This route will be operated daily with the latest built Airbus 330-200, which are equipped with individual entertainment screens on board the latest technology.

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Old Posted Dec 21, 2013, 10:16 PM
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Argentina and send rockets into space

Centennial Experience ." That's the name of the rocket that launched the probe Air Force Argentina (FAA ) from Chamical center in the province of La Rioja.

The aim is to gather data for further study and experimentation and " the enhancement of human resources involved in the development of systems applicable to future projects." The launch is part of the celebrations for the centenary of force.

According to EFE setpoint based on " official sources " launch occurred successfully.

However, the inner voice says that despite no official information had no trouble taking off , but " had an engine failure between 7 and 8 seconds , so that the mission could not have been complete ."

In a pre-release and published by Telam statement, the FAA said that "during the flight sequence , the rocket will rise from a launch pad in a basic upward trend , achieving a maximum speed of 3,978 kilometers per hour ( 3.6 Mach ) to exhaust their fuel " and" from there , continue unpowered ballistic flight , after inflicting on the separation of the payload , having reached the 49,000 meters. In its descent phase and from the opening of the parachute system , the recovery module landfall , which will start the study phase of the data collected . "

Several universities such as Aeronautical University Institute , the Center for Applied Research , Faculty of Engineering, National University of La Plata, Faculty of Engineering, National University of Comahue and Argentina Association for Space Technology participated in the experiments that were part the rocket payload .

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Old Posted Dec 25, 2013, 9:29 PM
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Aerolineas Argentinas A330 Miami Service Changes as of 19DEC13

Aerolineas Argentinas continues to revise planned Airbus A330 operation on Buenos Aires – Miami route. Planned A330 service entry from 01MAR14 remains unchanged, however it’ll only operate 1 daily flight (AR1302/1303), instead of 2. 2nd Daily service (AR1304/1305) is now scheduled to be operated by A330 from 01APR14.

AR1304 EZE0830 – 1640MIA 340 D
AR1302 EZE2315 – 0725+1MIA 330 D

AR1303 MIA0945 – 1945EZE 330 D
AR1305 MIA1840 – 0440+1EZE 340 D

Schedule listed above is effective 09MAR14 until 31MAR14

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Old Posted Dec 27, 2013, 2:40 PM
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According to Airline Route AR 2014 will double its capacity and VVI to LIM. In the first case, add a morning flight with B738 from August 1, while it will fly from VVI - AEP from April 1, complementing the current operation from EZE.

LIM: http://airlineroute.net/2013/12/05/ar-lim-aug14/

VVI: http://airlineroute.net/2013/12/12/ar-vvi-s14/
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Old Posted Dec 28, 2013, 7:38 PM
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Ushuaia, end of the world

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Old Posted Jan 4, 2014, 7:00 PM
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Boeing 737

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Old Posted Jan 13, 2014, 7:22 AM
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Old Posted Jan 14, 2014, 3:25 PM
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Current reality


The heavy cost of Aerolineas Argentinas (machine translation)

It is untenable that the Government continue consenting nationalized the airline loses huge sums , not present balances and prevent competition

Since its nationalization in 2008 Aerolíneas Argentinas - Austral group claimed 3916 State contributions billion. This implies a daily average of 1.95 million, which weighs on all taxpayers and on inflation because demand supplementary monetary issue .

The first question is whether such a high subsidy to air travelers at the expense of other more pressing needs is warranted. This doubt is accentuated against the phenomenon of poverty does not decrease . Our answer is naturally negative. In the same way thought the governments of Brazil and Uruguay when they decided not rescue companies with public funds Varig and TAM Airlines , apart from chauvinistic , demagogic or union arguments. In these two cases , as surely would have happened in Argentina , not only the air demand was covered by other companies without spending state funds , but also , in the case of Brazil , aviation doubled.

A second observation concerns the efficiency with which has managed Aerolineas Argentinas. The losses do not constitute or characteristic structural feature of the commercial aviation business , as mistakenly says President Cristina Kirchner. Not when a company is reserved market shares and locking limiting competition from other companies. Indeed, they are known maneuvers discrimination applied by local aviation authorities to other companies , particularly LAN , which will prevent the use of sleeves, trying to exclude it from Aeroparque and not allowed to bring new aircraft to strengthen their services. Additionally, Network World , controlled by airlines unilaterally changed the conditions for contracting with existing LAN.

Thus, the monopoly ensures Airlines on routes with which boasts of being the only one who travels . Given this monopoly , the paradox that those routes , you do not play , are the only ones where not lose money is given . Why? Because I charge very high rates abusing its dominant position.

Since nationalization , fares Airline cabotage not stopped rising , recording since 12X , applying higher prices in regions where competition is prevented . And despite this, the company loses more and more money , while one has been strengthening in Argentina underdeveloped air transport , as each citizen takes , on average, a plane trip every five years, while every American does three times a year . Peruvians and Venezuelans also travel more frequently .

Efficiency indicators compared to other companies largely explain the reasons for the imbalance between income and expenditure. While it must be recognized that these indices were also not appropriate in the previous private management , have not been corrected for the state administration, but the opposite. 80 percent of the losses is verified on international flights , mainly for the popular destinations of Argentine tourists , which is subsidized to travel abroad . For example , airlines fly to Cancun , but not to the capital of Mexico . Stopped flying to Auckland, in New Zealand, but fly to San Salvador . Here, you will not have resumed flights to Villa Gesell.

The relationship between personnel costs and sales revenue in Airlines reaches 45% , while 30% is in Iberia, Lufthansa and 23.4 % to 21.7% in British Airways. These companies even pay higher average wages , which adversely accents comparison. Airlines has an endowment of more than 30 pilots per aircraft , 1700 in total , doubling international standards. These shortcomings are not surprising productivity when managing the company has been in the hands of persons designated more for his political activism whose experience in the activity.

The failure, lack of transparency and reliability of management information difficult to analyze productivity rates and costs . Its audited financial statements have not been presented since 2008 and the intervention of the Auditor General 's Office has resulted in several opportunities issue a disclaimer of opinion. As for management reports disclosing the company , are as implausible as the official prediction in 2011 that airlines would lose money.

A highly critical report by the NGO Forensic Accountants expressing serious doubts about the means of production and control of balance . The document states that " the management of Aerolineas Argentinas SA and has been ruinous deficit . Moreover, not have any prospects for improvement " . This is a different and opposite conclusion that the authorities have exposed the company and the Government. According to them, the operating deficit is declining and fewer contributions from the national government demand , while the very Ministry of Economy reports month after month subsidy amounts that will not stop growing . Meanwhile, the Justice investigated allegations that the company had purchased the Brazilian Embraer aircraft with a premium of 22 percent .

The nationalization of Aerolineas Argentinas still has outstanding issues related to compensation . There Crusaders in Argentina treatment for justice and others who have come before ICSID , the World Bank tribunal , which could result in additional future commitments to the Argentine State pecuniary claims. At a time when a growing fiscal deterioration that can lead to runaway inflation and monetary evidenced , for Airlines becomes very relevant and paradigmatic .


El pesado costo de Aerolíneas Argentinas

Resulta insostenible que el Gobierno siga consintiendo que la línea aérea estatizada pierda enormes sumas, no presente balances e impida la competencia

Desde su estatización en 2008 el grupo Aerolíneas Argentinas-Austral demandó aportes del Estado por 3916 millones de dólares. Esto implica un promedio diario de 1,95 millones, suma que pesa sobre todos los contribuyentes y también sobre la inflación, ya que demanda emisión monetaria suplementaria.

La primera pregunta es si se justifica tan alto subsidio hacia quienes viajan en avión en desmedro de otras necesidades más imperiosas. Esta duda se acentúa frente al fenómeno de una pobreza que no decrece. Nuestra respuesta es naturalmente negativa. De esta misma forma pensaron los gobiernos de Brasil y de Uruguay cuando decidieron no rescatar con fondos públicos las empresas Varig y Pluna, prescindiendo de argumentos chauvinistas, demagógicos o gremiales. En estos dos casos, como hubiera sucedido seguramente en la Argentina, no sólo la demanda aérea fue cubierta por otras empresas sin necesidad de dedicar fondos estatales, sino que, además, en el caso de Brasil, el transporte aéreo se duplicó.

Una segunda observación se refiere a la eficiencia con que se ha administrado Aerolíneas Argentinas. Las pérdidas registradas no constituyen ningún rasgo característico ni estructural del negocio aerocomercial, como equivocadamente afirma la presidenta Cristina Kirchner. Menos aún cuando a una compañía se le reservan porciones del mercado limitando y trabando la competencia de otras empresas. En efecto, son conocidas las maniobras de discriminación aplicadas por las autoridades aéreas locales a otras compañías, en particular a LAN, a la que se le impide el uso de mangas, se intenta excluirla del Aeroparque y no se le permite aportar nuevas aeronaves para reforzar sus servicios. Además, Intercargo, controlada por Aerolíneas, modificó unilateralmente las condiciones de contratación vigentes con LAN.

De esta manera, Aerolíneas se asegura el monopolio en aquellas rutas con las que se vanagloria de ser la única que las recorre. Dado ese monopolio, se da la paradoja de que esas rutas, en las que no compite, son las únicas donde no pierde dinero. ¿Por qué? Porque cobra tarifas altísimas abusando de su posición dominante.

Desde la estatización, las tarifas de cabotaje de Aerolíneas no dejaron de subir, registrando desde entonces 12 aumentos, aplicándose precios más elevados en las provincias en las que se ha impedido la competencia. Y, pese a ello, la empresa pierde cada vez más dinero, al tiempo que se ha ido afianzando una Argentina subdesarrollada en materia de transporte aéreo, pues cada ciudadano realiza, en promedio, un viaje en avión cada cinco años, mientras que cada estadounidense lo hace tres veces por año. Peruanos y venezolanos también viajan con mayor frecuencia.

Los indicadores de eficiencia comparados con los de otras compañías explican en gran parte las razones del desbalance entre gastos e ingresos. Si bien debe reconocerse que estos índices no eran tampoco los apropiados en la anterior gestión privada, no han sido corregidos durante la administración estatal, sino lo contrario. El 80 por ciento de las pérdidas se verifica en los vuelos internacionales, orientados principalmente a los destinos preferidos de los turistas argentinos, con lo cual se subsidia a quienes viajan al exterior. Por ejemplo, Aerolíneas vuela a Cancún, pero no a la capital de México. Dejó de volar a Auckland, en Nueva Zelanda, pero vuela a San Salvador de Bahía. Aquí, no se han retomado los vuelos a Villa Gesell.

La relación entre el gasto en personal y los ingresos por ventas alcanza en Aerolíneas al 45%, mientras que es el 30% en Iberia, 23,4% en Lufthansa y 21,7% en British Airways. Estas empresas pagan incluso salarios medios más elevados, lo que acentúa desfavorablemente la comparación. Aerolíneas dispone de una dotación de más de 30 pilotos por aeronave, 1700 en total, duplicando los estándares internacionales. Estas deficiencias de productividad no deben extrañar cuando el manejo de la compañía ha estado en manos de personas designadas más por su militancia política que por su experiencia en la actividad.

La insuficiencia, falta de transparencia y confiabilidad de la información de gestión dificultan el análisis de los índices de productividad y de los costos. Sus estados contables auditados no han sido presentados desde 2008 y la intervención de la Auditoría General de la Nación se ha traducido en varias oportunidades en una abstención de emitir opinión. En cuanto a los informes de gestión que divulga la empresa, son tan poco creíbles como el vaticinio oficialista de que en 2011 Aerolíneas dejaría de perder dinero.

Existe un muy crítico informe de la ONG Contadores Forenses que expresa serias dudas sobre la forma de elaboración y control de los balances. En ese documento se afirma que "la gestión de Aerolíneas Argentinas SA ha sido ruinosa y deficitaria. Además, no tiene perspectivas ciertas de mejora". Ésta es una conclusión diferente y opuesta a la que han expuesto las autoridades de la empresa y el propio Gobierno. Según éstos, el déficit operativo está decreciendo y cada vez se demandan menos aportes del gobierno nacional, al mismo tiempo que el mismísimo Ministerio de Economía informa mes tras mes sumas de subsidios que no paran de crecer. Mientras tanto, se investigan en la Justicia denuncias de que la empresa habría comprado las aeronaves brasileñas de Embraer con un sobreprecio del 22 por ciento.

La estatización de Aerolíneas Argentinas aún mantiene cuestiones pendientes relacionadas con las compensaciones. Hay reclamos cruzados en tratamiento por la justicia argentina y otros que se han presentado ante el Ciadi, el tribunal arbitral del Banco Mundial, que podrían ocasionar en el futuro compromisos pecuniarios adicionales al Estado argentino. En momentos en que se evidencia un deterioro fiscal creciente que puede desembocar en un desborde monetario e inflacionario, el caso de Aerolíneas se vuelve muy relevante y paradigmático.
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Old Posted Jan 17, 2014, 9:41 PM
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Old Posted Jan 26, 2014, 10:18 PM
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Argentina cries out for more capacity despite Buenos Aires expansion

The new Terminal B at Ministro Pistarini International Airport (also known as Ezeiza), the principal aviation gateway in Argentina serving the capital Buenos Aires, was inaugurated in March 2013. This increased total capacity at the airport to 13 million passengers - in 2012 it handled less than 9 million.

Terminal B includes 42,300m 2 of apron space; five new gates served by boarding bridges; a built area of nearly 29,000m 2 in the terminal, including a 2,300m 2 arrivals hall and 720m 2 of shops and restaurants; 20 check-in positions; 34 immigration control posts; and 376 additional parking bays - but critics warn that the ARS570 million (USD90.4 million) development will not prevent a capacity crunch in a few years' time.

Around 80% of international flights to and from Argentina pass through Ezeiza, according to government statistics. At the inauguration of the remodelled Terminal B, attended by President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, Eduardo Eurnekian, president of Corporación America, called the upgrade "one of the most important infrastructure projects in the region".

Corporación America holds a 54% majority stake in Aeropuertos Argentina 2000 (AA2000), which operates Ezeiza and 32 other airports in Argentina. The Argentine state holds a 15% stake in AA2000.

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Old Posted Jan 29, 2014, 9:18 PM
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Miami 2x daily

New York daily

Sydney 4 weekly

Roma daily

Barcelona daily

Madrid daily

Cancún 2x weekly

Montevideo 8 daily

Rio de janeiro 6 daily

Sao Paulo 5 daily

Santiago de Chile 4 daily

Asuncion 2 daily

Lima 2 daily (aug)

Porto alegre 2 daily

Santa Cruz (bol) 2 daily

Belo horizonte daily

Brasilia daily

Curitiba daily

Caracas 6 weekly

Punta del este 6 weekly

Bogota 4 weekly
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Old Posted Feb 7, 2014, 10:14 PM
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Old Posted Feb 20, 2014, 5:19 PM
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Aerolineas Argentinas from 02MAR14 is converting Buenos Aires Ezeiza – Cancun service to scheduled charter to regular service, as reservation is open to the general public from this date. The airline operates this route once a week (Day 7), but will increase to 3 weekly from 04JUL14.

Following schedule is effective 04JUL14.

AR1370 EZE0035 – 0735CUN 340 357
AR1371 CUN0935 – 2025EZE 340 357

Fuente: http://airlineroute.net/2014/02/17/ar-cun-mar14/
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Old Posted Feb 22, 2014, 9:45 PM
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Link: http://loyaltylobby.com/2014/01/27/r...be-33-cheaper/
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Old Posted Mar 3, 2014, 4:31 PM
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New B737-800NG

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Old Posted Mar 5, 2014, 5:50 PM
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Old Posted Mar 6, 2014, 2:08 PM
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LAN Argentina routes, domestic flights

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Old Posted Mar 12, 2014, 11:26 PM
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VIP lounge Amex Ezeiza airport

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Old Posted Mar 17, 2014, 7:25 PM
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Aerolineas Argentinas Increases Rio de Janeiro Service in June/July 2014

Aerolineas Argentinas from 09JUN14 to 31JUL14 is adding extra daily service from both Buenos Aires Aeroparque (AEP) and Buenos Aires Ezeiza (EZE) to Rio de Janeiro, during the World Cup. From AEP, AR to operate up to 4 daily flights, while EZE sees up to 2 daily service.

Buenos Aires Aeroparque – Rio de Janeiro Increase from 3 to 4 daily
AR1292 AEP0640 – 0940GIG 737 D
AR1252 AEP1125 – 1425GIG 73W D
AR1234 AEP1640 – 1940GIG 73W D
AR1258 AEP2045 – 2345GIG 737 D

AR1259 GIG0600 – 0925AEP 737 x46
AR1293 GIG1020 – 1345AEP 737 D
AR1251 GIG1145 – 1510AEP 73W D
AR1253 GIG1505 – 1830AEP 73W D
AR1257 GIG1950 – 2315AEP 73W 46

Buenos Aires Ezeiza – Rio de Janeiro Increase from 1 to 2 daily
AR1250 EZE0805 – 1105GIG 73W D
AR1254 EZE2200 – 0100+1GIG 73W D

AR1255 GIG0140 – 0500EZE 73W D
AR1235 GIG2025 – 2345EZE 73W D

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Old Posted Mar 27, 2014, 12:21 AM
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Teniente General Benjamín Matienzo International Airport


Teniente General Benjamín Matienzo International Airport (IATA: TUC, ICAO: SANT) is the international airport that serves Tucumán Province in the north of Argentina. It was built in 1981, and its terminal was inaugurated on 12 October 1986.

The Departing Sector was rebuilt in 2005. It can handle big aircraft such as the Airbus 310, Boeing 747, Boeing 757, Boeing 767, Boeing 777 McDonnell Douglas DC-10, McDonnell Douglas MD-11 and the Antonov An-124.

It has 135,000 m² of runways, 21,250 m² of taxiways, a 6,985 m² terminal, two hangars of 1,840 m², and parking places for 278 cars. It has a small cargo terminal of 50 m². Cargo flights are important. Tucumán is the second most important Airport in Argentina in order of Tons of Cargo (after Buenos Aires-Ezeiza). Most of cargo flights are scheduled between September and November, taking fresh fruits to Germany and United States.

In 1988, it handled 710,000 passengers. In 1998, 568,000. And in 2008, just 287,000 passengers. Traffic is anyway improving: 193,000 passengers in 2007; 287,000 in 2008 and 365,000 in 2009.

On April 9, 2013, the runway heading changed from 01/19 to 02/20 due to magnetic variation.

Airlines and destinations

LAN Cargo: Lima, Los Angeles, Miami

Lufthansa Cargo: Dakar, Frankfurt, London-STN, Sao Paulo-VCP

Information cargo flights

Tucumán Province/State is the first leading world producer and processor of lemon and the second largest exporter of fesh lemon. Also it is national main producer of sugar and in Argentina it is a largest exporter of frozen strawberries.
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