I'm a fan of old buildings. I like tall, modern skyscrapers, of course. But I also very much appreciate the older buildings that instantly remind you of all the previous generations that walked the same streets and worked in the same buildings. These buildings transcend time and remind us that our "ownership" of a place is limited, and we are really only temporary guardians to it. With that in mind, I've been recording some of the older, vintage buildings in and around San Francisco's Financial District. Even if I won't be around in another 100 years, I hope some of these will be.
One final note: I am so glad that gold was discovered in 1849, versus say, 1949.
Thanks for taking a look.
My other car is a Dakota Creek Advanced Multihull Design.
These photos are sweet. You did a good job at capturing the vertical expanse of the buildings and the horizontal expanse of the streetwalls while at the same time capturing how the buildings interact at streetlevel. Photos just looking up can be a bit blah, but these photos nicely combine it all which is definitely what I like to see.
"The United States is in no way founded upon the Christian religion." -- George Washington & John Adams in a diplomatic message to Malta
seeing all those masonry buildings make me feel a little better about what Philly might look like when a stronger earthquake comes rumbling. The last one in the area was up in Easton, PA in 2003 and that was a 3.8.