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Old Posted Nov 22, 2019, 5:28 PM
OldDartmouthMark OldDartmouthMark is offline
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Whether the news media 'harvested' them or not is debatable.

Regardless, I can see both sides of it. On one side we need to increase density on the peninsula and just around it - projects like these are a great way to get more people living closer to the population centre and will help to reduce overall traffic by providing people with shorter commutes.

On the other hand, and I've lived this, to be living in a relatively (still a lot of traffic in that area) quiet neighborhood of homes and suddenly have a huge building growing up in your backyard is quite jarring, and honestly does negatively impact the enjoyment of your property, that you've invested a lifetime of earnings into. Don't need to go into details (I have on this forum before), but it can really ruin your experience of living at home in many ways.

So, some people will love it, some people will hate it. Business as usual for any city in Canada. Struggles will happen, life goes on.
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