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Old Posted Jun 21, 2018, 10:29 PM
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chris08876 chris08876 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: Riverview Estates Fairway (PA)
Posts: 46,752
Another one!

This looks promising. Anytime you hear up to a million, thats 1,000,000 of sq-ft, at least 15 foot ceiling heights, and a large base... that ladies and gentlemen is the primordial soup of a Manhattan super-tall. They even added the seasoning to the soup by adding "world-renowned designer".

NYC will become the super tall capital of the world soon. I can say this because its not luck that causes it, but the land and the economic situation as a result of land constraints and price/sqft to develop. When you add the margins needed to make a tower successful, it equates to some serious height.

This will accelerate.


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