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Old Posted Sep 11, 2019, 2:31 AM
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Originally Posted by chris08876 View Post
Yes but your missing the point, which is that its not an effective policy when so many issues are greater in magnitude that are effecting the citizens and business culture.

If you read between the lines, I'm sticking up for Californians. Its sad to see the priorities in the state or on the local level.

Yes California tends to lead certain frontiers, but they do so in a manner that severally impacts its residents. In other words, is an acute response that further amplifies chronic issues that the local governments or even the state fail to adequately address or do so with poor performance.

I'm not anti-California, I'm anti-local/state leadership IN California which is destroying the state, and making folks want to bail. That son, is not good!

Every year, crushing taxes/regulations are placed, and it influences people.
Sure, but I'd point out that so far, the Californians in this thread seem mostly fine with it.

And I'd use your own argument against you - I agree that there are much greater issues out there than trying to fight a ban against the eventuality of a developer doing stupid and expensive stuff such as building soon-to-be-obsolete residential fossil fuel heating infrastructure in an area where the power mix is already mostly clean electric.
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