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Old Posted May 24, 2020, 2:39 PM
wave46 wave46 is offline
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Originally Posted by Sarah89 View Post
I am far from uppity. And I was using ''hoser'' in a joking way.

There is a big contrast between big city and small town Canada though. Oh, and I don't have ''self hatred'' about the accent - I have tried to accept it.
Were you using 'simple minded' in a joking way too? It sure didn't come off that way. It sounds more pejorative than anything; try calling a coworker 'simple minded' and see the reaction you get.

Yes, there is some difference between big city Canada and small town Canada. However, that gulf isn't what it was 30-50 years ago on both sides.

The average Canadian is more worldly - even if they haven't left this country - as they've probably experienced different cultures in our largest cities. The children of immigrants are fairly Canadianized too as they straddle between the culture of the old country and the new one. I'm not arguing that it's going to be a perfect transition, but the culture clash isn't what it would have been circa 1950-1970.

While it is often imagined that immigrants are more 'progressive', there might be a reverse culture clash - many immigrants have much more socially conservative views than the average 'hoser' about many topics such as homosexuality, living together unmarried, etc. etc.

Immigration has been lumped in with 'progressive' causes for several decades, so I could see why people conflate the idea.
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