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Old Posted Dec 9, 2018, 11:45 AM
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One of the major design errors, towards the dynamic response of structures to seismic displacements.

The cooperation between concrete and steel in a Reinforced Concrete structure is achieved with relevance.

By the term - Relevance - is defined the combined action of the mechanisms that prevent the relative sliding between the bars of the reinforcement and the concrete surrounding it.

The mechanisms of relevance is adhesion, friction, and, in the case of steel bars with ribs cartilage , the resistance of the concrete trapped between the ribs cartilage.

The combined action of these mechanisms is considered to be equivalent to the development of shear stresses on the concrete and steel contact surface.

When these stresses reach their limit value, occurs destruction of relevance in the form of rupturing the concrete along the bars and detachment of the steel rods.

The relevance mechanism on Concrete Walls, during rotation of the wall, multiplies the torque intensities at the base and transfers them to the foot girder which bends and breaks

Connect the base to the periphery, with the earth, with the mechanisms of the patent

This connection of the base with the earth it transfers the torque power into the earth by preventing the transfer on the foot girder

If the union - consolidation is made at both ends between the upper edges of the wall and the ground then we stop many other destructive tensions such as these are created from

a) The bend of the wall, (b) the critical failure area, (the critical failure area does not appear with this method ) (c) the potential difference of the relevance mechanism observed in the body of the wall near the base there in the critical fault area between left and right torque. d) The connection of the upper edges of the wall with the ground beneath the foundation deflects the upward wall tensions (created by torque, roll over the wall) into the ground by removing large stresses from the structure.

The control of the displacements - deformations (as shown in the figure) is 100% connected with the structural damage control, because by controlling the displacements - deformations of the construction is prevented the occurrence of the damage

Comparable experiments.

1) Experiment, with insufficient displacement control

2) Results of failures of the first experiment

3) An experiment with the invention which controls 100% of displacements.

Last edited by seismic; Dec 9, 2018 at 1:59 PM.
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