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Old Posted Sep 19, 2018, 2:52 AM
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ScreamingViking ScreamingViking is offline
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Goldring wants Waterdown

Burlington mayor Rick Goldring floats a local doozie, apparently without his own council's discussion and a heads up to #HamOnt. He's been a fairly steady hand as mayor the last two terms, but definitely feeling some heat over development issues in the upcoming election.

A huge risk in putting this out there, and I'm not sure how it could happen in a balanced way and keep everybody happy... but in this political climate, the chances he'd get his wish may be well above zero.

For Waterdown folk, the grass may seem greener but in the longer run the lawn is likely to dry up as Burlington begins to face the same infrastructure and municipal tax challenges other places have.

Make Waterdown part of Burlington, mayor tells province (CBC)

Burlington asks to take over Waterdown (The Spec)
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