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Old Posted Jul 2, 2022, 6:59 PM
lio45 lio45 is online now
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I was thinking today (on a very hot day here) that the people who think places like Phoenix will cease to be habitable in a world that's a few degrees warmer haven't really thought about it: worst case, there'll be a period of the year where the weather is so hostile to humans that people mostly stay inside during those months, but then there will continue to be an enjoyable season where being outdoors is pleasant (fall-winter-spring). The overall package will certainly very livable.

There already are large cities (Chicago, Toronto, Montreal) where the climate will kill you a few months per year (so people mostly stay indoors, in climate-controlled environments, during those periods), and they're large metropolises despite of that fact. It's even worse in some aspects: there are plenty of things you just CAN'T do during a few months, while in a "too hot" climate, these things are still possible.
Suburbia is the worst capital sin / La soberbia es considerado el original y más serio de los pecados capitales
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