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Old Posted Dec 18, 2013, 7:14 AM
Jjs5056 Jjs5056 is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 1,724 many more higher educational buildings and small businesses need to open before a residential project catered toward that demographic is considered? I wish it penciled out for a skyscraper - but those will just always go condo or luxury in this market. Maybe one door ASU will build a 14-story building for upperclassmen, but in the meantime, upper class students, grad students, and young professionals are caught between living in a sketchy area with moderate pricing, or living in the city core - whether in an urban hi rise or historic home - on the much higher end. The first loses the urban appeal quickly when you realize you don't feel see enough to cross the street, and the city continues blocking you further from the density with Circle K megastores at community intersections. The second, for most, means less money to spend exploring the community.

Forced with the hassle of searching the Internet for a well priced condo, many move to the burbs where it's just so much easier to trasnition into that "next" phase by purchasing a home, etc.

That lifeless Bio Campus should stop where it is and begin leasing large amounts of space in larger office developments nearby, so that the lots between Roosevelt and Van Buren can fill in with workforce housing. Filling in just one would do wonders for connectivity; 8-10 stories with touches of retail for local delis, ice cream parlors, dry cleaning, and maybe a small cafe and neighborhood bar that serves the neighborhood, keep some street level activity through short trips, but doesn't compete or conflict with the nightlife south of Roosevelt between 6th and 4th St.

Finally, hopefully at some market conditions slow something like The Jet to be completed next to affordable housing along 2nd ave and I think we can finally have the supply downtown to meet the needs of all incomes and classes, assuming The Row on 2nd St actually happens.
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