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Old Posted Aug 12, 2008, 4:04 AM
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Originally Posted by AdrianXSands View Post
Where are all my detractors??? i'm lonely without your ideas of why modernism is so awful. i even posted ALSOP, and still no one came to crash the party... you guys complete me!!!
I can't detract on the Bordeaux Law Courts Building. That thing is awesome. Good use of wood on the pods. I didn't know you could do that with wood. Atomic Glee, could you call this use of wood 'cold'?

I like the Alsop building in an intellectual way, but not in an aesthetic way. It reveals the 'curtain wall' for what it is a 'curtain' with no real structural reason for being than keeping the wind and rain out. As for the colors, I can't give it more than 5 months before folks want to paint the darn thing.

COLOR is the most transient of all design / art elements. Color dates clothes, buildings, carpet, lamps... etc faster than anything. Anyone own an avocado green refrigerator???

Claus and Kaas Building: While it's proportioned well and well made, it reminds me of the concrete bunkers built in the early 80's that were once referred to as office buildings.

Channel Four Offices: Dang, I thought someone did a snazzy paint job on the Lloyds of London Building.
"I am literally grasping at straws." - Bob Belcher
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