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Old Posted Jan 5, 2015, 4:02 PM
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sentinel sentinel is offline
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One thing that isn't being discussed (at least not here) is the fact that the Obamas don't WANT to be in Chicago again. They want to be in NYC, Valerie Jarrett (in more than a couple news outlets) is not-so-secretly pushing for them to relocate permanently to NYC, the oldest daughter wants to go to school in NYC, Obama himself is prepping for a post-Presidential job at the UN, so all signs are pointing to NYC for his Presidential Library, considering he has publicly stated they want to live wherever their oldest goes to college, and which is also where they want their library to be.

One or both of the Chicago library bids could have been absolutely flawless, and they will still lose to Columbia/NYC and their bid because it's just where the Obamas want to be, it's (unfortunately) that simple. I wouldn't be surprised if all of the double-talk, obfuscation and general 'huh??' manufactured confusion about Chicago's two 'flawed' library bids were nothing more than political ruse to soften the blow of not having the library in 'Obama's hometown'.
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