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Old Posted Nov 16, 2021, 10:00 PM
Martin Pal Martin Pal is offline
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Originally Posted by ethereal_reality View Post
I'm talking about the 1963 Jerry Lewis Show. There was a second Jerry Lewis Show shortly there-after 5 years later. (see below)

The story is fascinating.

Here's the best explanation of what went wrong on opening night by Eddie Deezen.
I guess I never looked up any info on the Jerry Lewis Show from 1963. I'd just heard it was a "colossal flop", but this info is quite fascinating!

I looked up the link, but there isn't any information about who the author, Eddie Deezen, is. I doubt Deezen is a common name so I'm assuming it's this Eddie Deezen:

...the actor I remember from 1970's movies like I Wanna Hold Your Hand, 1941 and Grease? In a way, Eddie Deezen is another form of Jerry Lewis. Would one say "a poor man's Jerry Lewis"?

I remember watching Jerry Lewis' variety show that was on 1967-69. Maybe not all of it. There's at least one episode of it on youtube.

Originally Posted by ethereal_reality View Post
I'm beginning to remember that we discussed the hydraulic lift attached to Jerry Lewis' chair so he could hilariously go up and down. The French loved it. lol

It's a bit hard to see.


A King's ransom for anyone who can find a clip of the chair going up and down. (I believe it would go really high. .like several feet!)

Yes, I'm obsessed with the chair.
Well, I wish I could collect that ransom, but not so far. What I can say so far about the 1963 Jerry Lewis Show:

Here's a youtube link to an ABC promo for the show:

Egads! It's near 3 1/2 minutes! And, I have to say, bad, or annoying, or you be the judge. Who would even watch the show after watching that? (I know people were more forgiving back then, no?)

Next: I found an entire episode of the show on youtube. It's not the first or last episode. (And, no, it's not in color.)
Video Link

Now, I perused the entire episode. There were some side shots of that chair, but never once did I see it raised or lowered. (Drats!) However, around 1:33:00 in the above video, Jerry does a song where he goes over to the television camera which is on a riser/crane -- whatever you call it, and continues the song wherein he is taken up into the air high above and then swung out above the studio audience. (!)

This episode was being sold on DVD by a website called Weiner World, but they don't seem to have it anymore. There are three available from private sellers on Amazon, though, in the $30 range.

Then I've discovered a youtube account by Donzify that has uploaded the entire first episode aired, though it's posted in 9 parts. This is the one Eddie Deezen writes about. They are not in a playlist, so you have to look for them. Here's the first one:

The Jerry Lewis Show '63 Premiere Part 1
Video Link

The first episode is also being sold on a site called TV Museum Episodes.

I have not searched for the "rising chair" in this episode. Nor in the following one.

The youtube account also has the very last episode of the show posted, this one in 10 parts. However, the account has all of the parts in order (plus a few other things) in a Playlist here:

The Jerry Lewis Show '63 Season Finale:
Playlist link:

Part 1 only below:
Video Link

If anyone finds the "rising chair" in the other two episodes before I get around to looking at these things, I still want part of the "King's Ransom!"

Last edited by Martin Pal; Nov 17, 2021 at 6:55 PM. Reason: correct link
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