Thread: VIA Rail
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Old Posted Nov 26, 2019, 5:00 PM
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Originally Posted by someone123 View Post
I think the railways themselves should be publicly run because they are a natural monopoly. The users could be private or public, and should bid on track time and priorities. All of the bidding and scheduling should be public information.
Or at least the stretches of railway that are of public interest such as in/around metro areas or major routes between them. I agree with esquire in that we need an overall capacity increase if we're to accommodate both passenger and freight in an efficient manner and that having both is in the public interest even if one is technically private. If there case where private business is simply being obstinate and not making any attempt to accommodate public use because they have no business incentive to do it, then creating policy that compels them is warranted. But I suspect that cases such as the Corridor simply require investment in greater infrastructure quality/capacity. I mean, how much have the railroads really been upgraded over the decades in conjunction with the country's growth in population and economy?
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