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Old Posted Feb 3, 2008, 1:49 AM
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HAMRetrofit HAMRetrofit is offline
Pro Urban Degenerate
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Toronto-Hamilton Mega Region
Posts: 839
Noobs list of the reasons people move to the suburbs:

- home prices tend to be less expensive
Often built with low quality SPF lumber, vinyl siding, and shitty windows. Houses are shoe horned into lots not large enough to support them. Generic designs with terrible floor plans are most common.

- suburbs are quieter
Constant lawn mowing in summer, leaf blowers in fall, and winter extreme isolation make this less than desirable. Thin walls between homes tend to transfer sound much more sound.

- homes tend to have front yards and backyards and driveways
Normally underutilized spaces with crumby gardens and cheep plywood decks. Driveways act as heat islands normally parked full of ugly unwashed vehicles. Mini vans and SUVs block views of the street and waste space.

- homes tend to be new or newer than in the city
Often built of lower quality material and require renovation prematurely. Usually not well assembled with flimsy floors, walls, and fixtures. Standard features purchased from Home Depot of lousy design standards.

- suburbs tend to be closer to nature/ green space
Genetically altered plant species, hyper-fertilized green lawns, parks that are not utilized and ugly, landscapes are generally poorly maintained.

- there are less bums in the suburbs
This is a positive for the city. The bums downtown tend to be far more attractive. Young attractive females in the city vs. soccer moms in the suburbs. I will take the more quantifiable city bums any day.
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