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Old Posted Oct 5, 2015, 7:20 PM
OldDartmouthMark OldDartmouthMark is online now
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Originally Posted by Nouvellecosse View Post
I think the difference is that I don't see anything random or haphazard. If you look closely, the building has near perfect symmetry, with only enough subtle variation as to give it some warmth. The black square toward the top is exactly in the middle of the Brenton St. façade (although it's hard to see it from the angle of the rendering). And the proportions are bang on as well as someone already mentioned. It's tall (for the area), but the setbacks take the edge off making it seem more sensitive to it's surroundings.

Even the colours are harmonious with the tan/grey, charcoal and gold contrasting enough to give some variation but not enough to be jarring. And the pattern created by the common balcony floors and the private balcony floors is consistent. They also strike the perfect balance in terms of materials, with enough glass to make it seem open and modern, but not so much glass as to see unimaginative or lacking in visual weight. The only thing I can possibly think to change would be to perhaps use cooler rather than warmer colours. But that's just a personal preference really.
A well-thought-out and well-written answer.

I'm not seeing the symmetry of which you speak, however. If you look at page 18 of the document linked by someone123 (South & East Elevations), it is apparent that the design is actually not that symmetrical. Which is not necessarily a bad thing in general, but in this case for my tastes the appearance of randomly placed blocks is not aesthetically pleasing. While I concede that it probably requires more skill to pull off this look while maintaining functionality and a good relationship to its surroundings, to me the overall appearance of the final product is a fail. Again, reminding me of a child's building block project, or in some ways (especially the black add-on) a circuit board.

That said, I am appreciative that it is not a bland glass face, as you've pointed out.

But that's for my tastes. I am actually glad that so many are pleased with the appearance of it, as the opinions of the masses are far more important than the opinion of an individual (me), when it comes to the appeal of a structure in such a visible location (SGR).

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