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Old Posted Jan 16, 2007, 6:01 PM
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Being a civil engineer as well, mostly dealing with traffic and transportation projects, this interests me as well. I've even spent 8 months as an inspector on the light rail.

The first two articles you posted were great reads, the third sucked. When I read the third this morning online I was wondering why that would even be considered and I was thinking "what about the possibility of commuter rail" in my mind. Then I read the second article about Gov Janet proclaiming herself against toll roads and wanting to study commuter rail further... great!

I think there needs to be more local shuttles in the valley. The neighborhood shuttle in Tempe that winds through the neighborhoods east of ASU were ALWAYS packed full when I was working out there. I know most of it is due to students using it to get to campus instead of driving... but more shuttles like that throughout the valley that would link higher density neighborhoods to shopping areas and especially the light rail would work wonders, IMO. They are free, so probably expensive to run without any revenue (not that a fare is much revenue), but we should allocate money (from prop 400?) for increased shuttles. If not, maybe charge $.50 or $1.00.
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