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Old Posted May 1, 2019, 7:19 PM
OldDartmouthMark OldDartmouthMark is offline
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Originally Posted by Steely Dan View Post
isn't this kinda evolution at work?

the birds too stupid to recognize that there is a building in front of them don't pass on their genes to subsequent generations.

the birds who are smart enough not to fly into buildings do get to pass on their genes.
No, it's not really. These glass buildings do not exist in nature. The reflective glass creates a situation that the instincts of birds are not programmed to deal with. So they die.

In a natural situation, which they had evolved to deal with over thousands of years (or which they were created for, depending on your beliefs), they do just fine.

If you want to take it further, we take into account human deficiencies when we build these towers, which is why balconies have railings, elevator shafts have doors which close when the elevator is not there, etc. By your statement, we should just leave these things off, because if somebody falls off a balcony just because there is no railing it's just evolution at work, because that human was too stupid to not fall off... and the person they killed when they landed on them was too stupid to avoid walking next to a tower without a balcony.

The clear fact is that we created these buildings to suit ourselves, without consideration for the other species who populate the planet with us. But, why should towers be any different than anything else? That's what we've always done...
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