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Old Posted Aug 19, 2009, 12:03 PM
BoiseAirport BoiseAirport is offline
Dare Mighty Things
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Boise, Idaho
Posts: 2,252
Hey all,

Just wanted to apologize for the lack of updates, it's not that I haven't been inspired to work on Pierpont, it's just that a couple of things have taken over in priority for the temporary time being. I do not intend on quitting Pierpont. And while this is a very typical 'last' message to be posted by a SU city creator which effectively kills the thread, believe me when I say that this is not the end of Pierpont. I've invested too much time, work and soul that I'm in love with the character of the city, and I can't turn back, haha. I do find myself working occasionally on buildings, but at the moment I simply don't have it in me between SU airplanes (which take priority over the moment since in that case I'm not modeling for the sake of modeling), and this other non-SU major project I'm working on.

Another reason is because I've gotten lazy and stopped going on my morning run everyday, which really inspired me since I was in downtown absorbing the character of Boise, the city I emulate. But that'll be a factor that changes once College starts again, since then I'll be going downtown on a daily basis again.

Anyway, just thought I'd give a heads up, I don't want it to seem like I'm abandoning this city, which there's plenty of reason why one might think that.
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