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Old Posted Nov 7, 2019, 2:51 PM
bossabreezes bossabreezes is offline
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Originally Posted by Crawford View Post
It's not odd, it's logical. Why would existing homeowners not wish to protect their wealth, and why would they wish to change their neighborhoods? And what does "uber-liberalism" have to do with anything?

San Diego and Silicon Valley are hardly "uber-liberal", BTW.
''Housing for All''
''Free Healthcare''
''Everyone is equal'' ect.

The Bay Area is famous for being super far left swinging, and this generally means that people favor more left leaning policies, like universal healthcare and government subsidies ect.

I understand why current homeowners wouldn't want more housing, obviously. But a good chunk of the voting population is renters, who would most certainly want more housing units constructed so their rents go down and have more housing options.

Also, sure- there are conservative areas of California. But they are the minority. To say otherwise is being intellectually dishonest. CA is one of, if not THE most reliably liberal states in the country.
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