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Old Posted Nov 4, 2011, 12:49 PM
Taeolas Taeolas is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Fredericton
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In my opinion, one of the biggest flaws with our regional transportation network, is that it only connects to Quebec. There's no easy way to get to the States unless you drive or fly, and even flying isn't that great.

I did a check to see how I might be able to get to Boston, and my choices are basically "Acadian up to Woodstock, taxi to Houlton (if that's allowed), and a charter bus down to Bangor or Portland where I can finally connect to Greyhound/AMTrack's buses.

In my opinion, we desperately need to improve our transport options in this region, and get Maine in on the party as well, since a big part of the problem is that anything north and east of Bangor is a transportation black hole at the moment.

Ideally I would like to see us eventually be able to get some of the following:

Daily train service Halifax to and from St. Stephen via Moncton and Saint John.

Train service from Calais to Portland and points beyond, with the times synced to the Halifax to St. Stephen run to allow easy trip continuation.

Hell, even if it was just a bus service that mimiced that, and was tied into the national bus networks (ie Greyhound) so you could easily purchase a trip from Halifax to Chicago (for example) without having to go through a half dozen companies and long (multi-hour) layovers it would be a huge improvement.

And count me in as another person boggled by Acadian's decisions with the bus stations in NB. In order for a transportation network to work and be used by the people, it needs to have entry points convienant to people. Acadian's old station in Freddy was perfect. Close to the Universities (one of their largest use-groups), and close to Freddy Transit's route terminal (King's Place). Frankly, I'd be hard pressed to think of a better location for it in Freddy.

It's current location, on the other hand, I couldn't tell you where it was or how to get to it even if I wanted to. It makes you wonder really if they're trying to shut down the inter city bus service or what the hell they're thinking.
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