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Old Posted Feb 11, 2010, 9:36 AM
SA-R SA-R is offline
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Originally Posted by FREKI View Post
^I completely agree - get the plans down on paper for the future and ask "yes or no" - this way there wouldn't be any surprises, no sneaking stuff in and no uncertainty...
Well, I know how things work in Denmark. I was lived there some time. Well, Freki, Danish problem is not EU. Danish problem is that 5 or so millions Danes have more than $600 billions international debt.

Guys you have to understand, Danish population is something like one and half Hamburg or something like that. You was wrote about Greenland. Main problem of Greenland is Denmark, not EU. How I saw things with Greenland is that they are not happy with Denmark, so you are sure they was leave because they don't like EU or they don't like Denmark?

Anywhere, I think EU countries like UK or Denmark, or any countries which are current members of the EU, and it same time they are able to be members of the Euro-zone, but they are not, they need to have final and very simple with time deadline question, yes or no.

Also Euro-zone countries have to made new EU base and new EU rules, so new EU need to be create from Euro-zone with totally new rules, especially trade rules.

So those who will choose answer yes, OK, those who will choose no like answer, will not have a chance for example next 30 years to get that question and they need to leave new EU.

Today we have two main concepts which fights over and over again about direction where EU need to go. I think it is time for reform, because mainly Euro-zone countries lose a huge amount of the money just to support Euro or some countries which are not on the same development level like others.

About Fehmarn Bridge, what is purpose of that extra large and extra expensive bridge? I don't get it, what is wrong with current road connection?

Why should EU finance that bridge, why should rest of the Denmark, for example Jylland, finance also that very expensive project? I don't see any economic, road or what ever reason for that when already exist nice highway connection via Jylland, Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg?
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