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Old Posted Nov 11, 2006, 1:09 AM
N2I.F. N2I.F. is offline
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Post The Hoops

Originally Posted by IFguy
Unfourtanetly, it will only be a subdivision but there is good news, the homes won't be built in the same old same cookie cutter look. The developer is looking to build each home in the Victorian building style, each one different from the rest. These new homes are expected to be fairly spendy.

That could also be due to the need for rezoning, and securing contracts for all the industrial buildings, and Eastern Idaho Railroad as that section needs to be abandoned to make way for the Marriott.
Does it seem that way to you, IFguy, that jumping all the hoops, doing paperwork for maybe the 6th time and then having to get permits or whatever because a design is different, always slows developments down? Or, is it just me that wants buildings built as soon as possible. I do know based on certain re-zoning and other matters the city council (or county) has on their agenda, a request can easily stretch to a few more weeks.

I can't wait to see these new homes. It will really start to seem much more like a mixed use, urban area. Is McNeil going to build all the homes, or will different contractors be involved?
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