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Old Posted Nov 25, 2020, 12:52 PM
cardeza cardeza is offline
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Originally Posted by eixample View Post
I don't remember the exact story, but I thought it passed the General Assembly once. (I'm pretty sure the process is constitutional amendments have to pass the General Assembly twice in successive years and then put to a state-wide ballot.) If that is the case, then there was support for it. A Philly specific tax change with chamber of commerce support and some local democratic legislative support (even if not unanimous) really isn't a heavy lift.
One would have thought. But from what I recall it was unable to get on the agenda for the second year passing necessary for the amendment change. People here seem to have a hard time accepting that any major change in Philadelphia's tax structure requires major participation and cooperation from Harrisburg. PA allows very little taxation flexibility for its local governments because of the uniformity clause.
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