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Old Posted Nov 22, 2019, 5:48 PM
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Originally Posted by OldDartmouthMark View Post
On the other hand, and I've lived this, to be living in a relatively (still a lot of traffic in that area) quiet neighborhood of homes and suddenly have a huge building growing up in your backyard is quite jarring, and honestly does negatively impact the enjoyment of your property, that you've invested a lifetime of earnings into. Don't need to go into details (I have on this forum before), but it can really ruin your experience of living at home in many ways.
As I sit here typing, I'm by a window pointed toward a 25 storey building that's only tens of meters away from me. It's behind another 4 storey building and it's to the north of me so it has ~0 impact. Actually right now I am getting extra sun reflected from the building next door to the north. My view is brighter than it would have been with no building there.

What I don't like about these stories is that there is very little nuance and the reporters don't do the work to see what was studied as part of the development approval process, or even suggest that such study takes place. Traffic studies, shadow studies, and wind studies are done for all of these larger developments. The studies are more reliable predictors of effects than the conjecture of disgruntled residents, but we only hear the opinions of the disgruntled residents because that feeds the clickbait outrage machine.
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