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Old Posted May 27, 2008, 4:42 AM
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Patrick Patrick is offline
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Originally Posted by Austin55 View Post
Also-What aspects do you guys think are unrealistic? are the glass colors overdone? is ther to many highrises? are the colors bad? do the buildings have enough detail?ETC ETC.PLEASE be harsh,cause I wanna know whats wrong,and what needs to be fixed.
Austin55, alot of these buildings are just too plain and half-assed, this is why San Felix isnt very realaistic.

- 2nd building from the left, has got to go, it is very plain and its textures are unrealalistic.

- The two postmodern buildings after that one are GREAT, we need more buildings with nice textures like those. THESE are the kind of buildings we need.

- The big brown building by Galcorp also has to go, or at least get better textures, maybe keep the massing, but ajust the textures.

I think one of your biggest problems is ajusting textures:

The building on the left is just a box with textures slapped on it. The building on the right, is the same building, just with a base and top, a simple glass texture, and a logo to spice things up.

See the difference? Its really easy to turn a building from crap to perfect, despite the building's size, every building in your city will need detail, it adds up, notice how every building in Staunton has detail, each building has a base texture, and roof equipment.
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