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Old Posted Nov 23, 2009, 9:47 PM
dtnphx dtnphx is offline
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 1,057
Don. You have an extraordinarily jaded thought process and continue to believe that the world is not only flat, but it is flat because it is trying to somehow upsurp your life goals in some way. Citing an AZ Republic article as your proof that this city is done for is kinda weak. One can look at other data that would show we didn't lose population at all and how it will again grow once people in other places can sell their homes and then move here. Jobs will come back and people will move here again, too. If you think it can't and won't happen in a place like Phoenix, then you must believe the whole nation is doomed. Right now, things suck. At some point they will suck less. Then not suck. Sucking can be good but enough, now.
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