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Old Posted Sep 10, 2019, 7:15 PM
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Originally Posted by BG918 View Post
I don't know it still doesn't feel "urban" even with all of the added density because it's an island sandwiched between Belleview, I-25, garden-style apartments to the north and huge lot mega-mansions to the west. It reminds me of the high density commercial developments that line the highways in Dallas and Houston. Too bad a lot of these projects planned for Belleview Station aren't happening in more connected TOD's like I-25/Broadway or Colorado Station.
It's all about the history of DTC.

Going back to the 1980's thru the early 2000's that corner wasn't even considered the tech center and wasn't desirable. The good news is that along came light rail and the Belleview Station. That slice of land was generally a blank slate; there was a driving range and some mish-mash so it was at least ripe for TOD to occur.

I believe Monoco is the Denver boundary line and to the west is Cherry Hills Village. Back then the notion of mixed-use was not a part of the vernacular. All that open land to the north was held by the Koelbel family awaiting development demand. Given the times that land was viewed as modest density for generally upscale residential. If one could turn back the clock it's amazing the potential for that area with today's vision of mixed-use, mixed density development.
Cool... Denver has reached puberty.
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