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Old Posted Sep 9, 2019, 10:02 PM
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CherryCreek CherryCreek is offline
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Originally Posted by COtoOC View Post
I drive through there every day and love what's going on. The new buildings just keep coming!

I work in Lone Tree and looking north from our building, there is a very solid "tech center" (and surrounding area) skyline view, with downtown off in the distance behind it. You can take a pretty good picture with two skylines and a mountain backdrop.
If it all gets built, it can become the "downtown" of the tech center, with multiple mid rise offices (up to 20 stories), hotels, restaurants, retail, and residences within easy walking distance, just a few blocks of each of each and of light rail. It will be an added irony that the first truly urban part of the Tech Center gets built on the Denver side of the border.

Last edited by CherryCreek; Sep 9, 2019 at 10:24 PM.
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