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Old Posted Sep 11, 2019, 2:00 AM
lio45 lio45 is offline
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Originally Posted by chris08876 View Post
Exactly. Thank you for bringing reason into this thread.

Similar to how folks say we should stop using oil. WELL... they fail to realize that oil is not just used for gasoline, but for a plethora of uses. Plastics, synthetic material which are used everywhere. Oil based products are also used in the healthcare industry. Petrochemicals and their derivatives. The list of their uses goes on. A lot of modern society, the items we use, would not be possible without oil.
Well, that's almost what our side of the argument is saying here - given that O&G has a lot of uses, let's not be so dumb as to stupidly burn it for heat (what a waste, when it could be used instead as a component in other industries, such as... all the ones you just listed ) when we can easily use solar/wind/nuclear etc. for that exact purpose.

Analogy... let's say you find many boxes of walnut flooring. It's free, it's yours. You could set it on fire and cook yourself a pizza on it. OR, you could install it in your house or condo, boosting its value permanently.
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