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Old Posted Jan 8, 2017, 6:19 PM
IrishIllini IrishIllini is online now
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Originally Posted by Crawford View Post
NYC probably had proportionally more Trump voters, because the Hasidic community generally voted for Trump. LA and Chicago don't really have Hasidic voting blocks.

Not sure this is a proxy for "conservatism"; though, it's just that you have a sizable demographic that votes according to its elders (and they have voted for everything from far Left to far Right candidates). The same Hasidic leaders had their community vote for far Left candidates like DeBlasio, and have generally endorsed Dem candidates for President, including B. Clinton and Carter. But they were mad at Obama re. Israel so went for Trump.

And Trump isn't a Republican or traditional Conservative. I'm not sure this past election is really a good proxy for relative political conservatism.
There are definitely Hasidic voting blocks in Chicago.
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