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Old Posted May 13, 2023, 3:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Marshsparrow View Post
More young people today seem to want to jump into a $1M mcmansion right away in the best neighbourhood with the nicest car, yearly vacation and avocado toast and not do the hard part of waiting, cohabitating, living below their means, etc. I am pretty certain they will turn out fine.

Decreasing immigration will greatly increase our decline... that's a fact.

A strategy that is not dependent on fossil fuels and natural resources would be a great parallel strategy to support and take some of the pressure off boom and bust cycles.

Canada has had a rough few years, but compared to other western economies is a pretty bright light - can't think of one that is doing better!
How many "young people" do you know?

"Young people" are already renting, cohabiting, waiting by delaying their lives for a far longer period of time than previous generations. "Young people" are not even particularly young anymore.

Only the most well off "young people" are buying the "$1 million McMansions" (more like $2.5 million in much of this country, since $1 million won't even get you a shack in large parts of this country let alone a McMansion). "Young people" are not buying "1 million McMansions" in Kitsilano, they're stretching to buy condos in Maple Ridge because that's all they can afford.

I'm not sure how you can look at all the economic numbers and conclude that Canada is a "bright light". We're literally the worst developed economy in the world. I can only guess you're too busy living it large off the HELOC from your "$1 million Mcmansions" to have noticed.
For entertainment purposes only. Not financial advice.
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