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Old Posted Dec 17, 2022, 3:45 PM
zahav zahav is offline
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Originally Posted by SteelTown View Post
After Boxing Day, Hamilton City Centre, aka Eaton Centre, will officially be a dead mall as it'll be permanently closed. Demolition supposes to start in the new year.

Farewell City Centre!


It'll be replaced with four residential buildings.

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One of the hallmarks for me feeling older as I approach 40 is the way I look at "old" buildings like malls. That photo of the Hamilton mall atrium in full Crystal Light Strawberry Kiwi colour palette is so familiar for anyone my age or older. Those were the new, modern malls, and I still didn't look at them as "old" even recently. But looking at that photo, all cleared out and devoid of life, it really looks old. I can't even imagine how old it must seem to teenagers or kids in their early 20s. But something seems so wasteful still about demolishing buildings from the 90s, seems too soon. But it shouldn't, logically, because a 1990 building is 32 years old. And in 1990, that would be like a building from 1958, same time span. So what I looked as seeming so old in 1990 (something from the 50s) would be the same as kids seeing 1990 as ancient. So strange when that realization hits lol
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