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Old Posted Dec 17, 2022, 2:15 PM
kittyhawk28 kittyhawk28 is offline
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Originally Posted by Will O' Wisp View Post
Technically none of the expansions LAX has done or planned will lead to a net increase in gates. LAWA is decommissioning the old remote gates and replacing them one for one with new gates in the CTA and at the MSC. It's all part of a deal they did with the local NIMBYs in exchange for not being CEQA/NEPA sued.

I say technically because even though by the numbers LAX already has enough gates to max out the capacity of its runways/ATC, the hassle of gathering up PAX and bussing them out to the remote gates cripples their throughput, so replacing them leads to a significant increase in capacity.

If it sounds like the NIMBYs are getting hosed by this deal, they are, but LAWA threatened to move the northernmost runway even further north to make room for a central taxiway for "safety", so in order to prevent that they had to agree.
They would still have a net gain of gates of up to 172 total gates up from the current 146 gates, even if they demolished the remote gates.

Also can't they still renege on the deal and still move the runway further north if the FAA forces them to for safety concerns?
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