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Old Posted Oct 22, 2022, 3:56 PM
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SignalHillHiker SignalHillHiker is offline
I ♣ Baby Seals
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Sin Jaaawnz, Newf'nland
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Finally got inside our former Parliament, the Colonial Building. It is now reopened to the public as a museum of our political history as an independent country. (An aside, our tour guide had to be about 10 and a half months pregnant, hilarious, sweet, pointed out all the embarrassing/dirty/controversial stuff, out of breath after every step. It was surreal lol)

And one more note... unless I was ever in here as a child when it was the Provincial Archives (before they were moved to The Rooms and this building was closed to the public), which is extremely unlikely, this would be my first time ever inside.

Exterior. The most notable feature is the lantern on top.

The "Senate". (We used different terms than the United Kingdom, and also Canada. Our Canadian equivalents were House of Assembly for House of Commons, Legislative Council for Senate, and Governor for Governor General). Funny aside, our Terms of Union with Canada explicitly allow us to re-establish our Senate. But... why bother? lol

The House of Assembly. Most notable feature is the fireplace on the right. For that reason our government always sits on the right, still today, whereas the opposition is on the right in most Parliaments.

And all the other odds and ends…

EDIT: One thing I do want to call out specifically. This entrance is restored to its exact appearance in 1850. There is absolutely no historical evidence for anything significant ever being displayed in this alcove. In the early 1900s they decided to add a statue of Queen Victoria but when it arrived from London it was too big. So... hilariously... the only concrete historical record we have of anything in this alcove is a fire extinguisher mounted there throughout the 1950s. God guard thee, indeed lol

Note to self: "The plural of anecdote is not evidence."

Last edited by SignalHillHiker; Oct 22, 2022 at 8:48 PM.
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