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Old Posted Jul 18, 2022, 3:45 AM
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Coldrsx Coldrsx is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Canmore, AB
Posts: 67,021
Edmonton, especially Downtown and the Central NE has been at level 11 during the pandemic and even a couple years earlier. There were times during COVID that I swear that 'normal' people were sadly outnumbered by those with very clear addiction/mental health issues and to be honest some outright criminals looking for crimes of opportunity. The erosion and deterioration of safety was significant and even the public areas were having a ton of vandalism from folks angry or clearly high.

LRT stations because actual safety issues (some trains too).

Chinatown is a mess and incredibly impacted by drug use, mental health issues, disorder and theft.

Our condo in Downtown Edmonton had more break-ins/thefts in the last two years as the last 17yrs combined.

It is getting a lot of attention locally and thankfully/finally a lot of resources and support from various organizations, but it has turned a lot of folks off of living centrally, working in the area and investing.

Part of the reason my condo is listed is because my gf did not feel safe to walk the pup in the mornings and evenings if I was not with her.

My car had two attempted break-ins in the last 3 yrs, zero in the 14yrs before that in that location.

We also have 3 homeless people living in and around the building/bushes which while generally harmless tends to add to some perception issues.

Overall a very sad state of affairs for many of our fellow humans and we must continue to find more supportive paths forward for them.


Canmore certainly has addition/drug issues and a very small amount of visible homelessness, but is impressively safe and without much crime it seems outside of the usual bike issues.
"The destructive effects of automobiles are much less a cause than a symptom of our incompetence at city building" - Jane Jacobs 1961ish

Wake me up when I can see skyscrapers
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