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Old Posted May 10, 2022, 5:46 PM
Obadno Obadno is offline
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Originally Posted by biggus diggus View Post
Are you guys into subsidizing sports stadiums, too? I'm just curious. I'm against padding the pockets of private enterprise with public money. The GPLET is a handout designed to kickstart development - development doesn't need to be kickstarted and these "affordable" units are not affordable anyway. It's a corporate giveaway! Do you want to give me some of your money as well? I'm rich and don't need it but since you're in the mood.
Not taking =/= giving

And sports stadiums are not the same as apartment buildings. One is a much more massive project that typically over promises what it will bring to the area while doing everything it can to offload maintenance costs on the city also free land etc.

Apartments are vastly smaller projects that actually bring permanent residences to the area that spend and generate economic activity in the area on a smaller scale but a consistent and more or less permeant basis.

The property tax break we are discussing here pales in comparison to the incentives sports stadiums squeeze out of cities
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