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Old Posted Mar 25, 2022, 2:59 PM
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TheHonestMaple TheHonestMaple is offline
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I get a little bit annoyed with the Spectator's writing on housing. It just blames the developers constantly, but at the same time complains that there isn't enough housing. The developers do take on a huge risk with new projects, that should be acknowledged. The Spec is always arguing that the city/province needs to do more to build new housing. In my opinion that is absolutely not the role of government. The role of government is to create laws and conditions that keeps developers in check and allows a healthy amount of housing to be built. It's role is also to create conditions where developers can be confident that they will make a healthy profit. So in this situation, I do believe the government needs to step in an introduce legislation that prevents unreasonable increases based on basically nothing, like this one. But I don't think the government should be outright punishing developers for trying to build residential developments..... like so many Spec columnists believe.
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